You are currently viewing Delegația României pentru Jocurile Olimpice de la Rio. Simona Halep a fost și ea inclusă, deși apropiații spun că nu va participa

Delegația României pentru Jocurile Olimpice de la Rio. Simona Halep a fost și ea inclusă, deși apropiații spun că nu va participa

Comitetul Executiv al Comitetului Olimpic și Sportiv Român a anunţat cine sunt sportivii români care merg la olimpiada de la Rio. În delegaţie au fost incluse Claudia Ştef, depistată pozitiv cu meldonium, şi Simona Halep, despre care Ion Ţiriac spune că a decis să nu participe la Jocurile Olimpice.


Delegaţia României pentru Jocurile Olimpice de la Rio este formată din 103 de sportivi, dintre care 7 sunt rezerve, transmite Agerpres.

Romanian athletes are qualified in 16 disciplines from the Olympic program. The most numerous groups, with 18 members each, are the rowing and athletics. In the latter, Caudia Ştef was also included, for the 20-kilometer march, although she tested positive for meldonium, a substance entered on the list of those prohibited from January 1, 2016. COSR made an exception in her case because the concentration of doping substance in the athlete’s sample would have been very low. For the same reason, the Olympic Committee decided not to suspend the canoeists Leonid Carp and Andrei Ştefan Strat, but they were not included in the delegation for Rio.


Simona Halep is one of the athletes on the COSR list, although Ion Ţiriac stated, today, that she would have decided, for personal reasons, not to participate in the Olympics. Last week, Simona Halep declared herself very concerned about the danger posed by the Zika virus in Brazil. And a few days ago, she was dissatisfied with the decision of COSR to appoint gymnast Cătălin Ponor as Romania’s flag bearer. Simona Halep said that she expected this honor to be awarded to her or to handball player Cristina Neagu.


Also, according to COSR, Simona Halep would participate only in the singles competition, although she had already announced last year that she would also enter the mixed doubles competition, together with Horia Tecau.


The Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro will take place between August 5 and 21.

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