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Germany is home, Las Vegas is home”

Exactly 25 years after her first triumph at Wimbledon, the most successful tennis player speaks to “Die Welt” about raising children, proper nutrition and her family life in America.
SShe has subtle make-up on, looks dazzling and appears relaxed. Steffi Graf (44) was in a great mood when she stopped off in Berlin on her ten-day business trip through Europe. On Tuesday it was exactly a quarter of a century ago that the world’s most successful tennis player triumphed at Wimbledon for the first time. In the final on July 2, 1988, she defeated the American Martina Navratilova 5:7, 6:2, 6:1.

Die Welt: The 127th All England Championships have been running since last week. What does the word Wimbledon trigger in you today, Ms. Graf?

Steffi Graf: A great sense of familiarity. Memories of the grass courts. Memories of how it feels to play there, how I spent weeks there in early summer. But extreme emotions? No, Wimbledon doesn’t trigger those in me anymore. It’s all too far away for that. It’s been 14 years since I retired…

Die Welt: …and it’s been 25 years since you celebrated your first of seven titles at Wimbledon .

Graf: Crazy number! When someone reminded me of this anniversary recently, I shook my head. It was a long time ago. I have experienced and lived a lot since then. (smiles)

Die Welt: Do you sometimes still feel a longing for applause like back then?


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